Sound in Time and Space

  • pitch: the rate of sound vibration
  • dynamics: the strength of sound vibrations
  • tone color, timber: sound quality depending on the instruments or voices that produce them (e.g. bright, warm, ringing, hollow or brassy)
  • overtone: a musical tone which is a part of the harmonic series above a fundamental note, and may be heard with it. -rhythm: the actual arrangement of durations


  • beat: regular recurrence of short durational units
  • accent: emphatic beats
  • meter: recurring pattern of strong and weak beates
    • simple meter: duple and triple
    • compound meter

(rhythm 和 meter 的区别是,meter表明了这个小节是几几拍的,rhythm是其实际的节奏)

  • syncopation: 切分
  • tempo: absolute duration in fractions of a second
    • adagio: from ad agio ‘at ease’
    • andante: present participle of andare ‘to go’
    • moderato: ‘moderate’
    • allegretto: diminutive of allegro
    • allegro: ‘lively, gay’
    • presto: quick, from late Latin praestus ‘ready’
    • accelerando
    • ritardando
    • fermanta: a hold of indefinite length,from fermare ‘to stop’
    • a tempo: back to the main tempo


  • scale: the pool of pitches available for the making of music (diatonic scale and chromatic scale)
  • interval: the difference between any two pitches (half steps and whole steps)
  • octave: one having twice the frequency of the vibration of the other

The Structures of Music


  • motive: a distinctive fragment of melody returning again and again (e.g. da da da DA in Beethoven’s FIfth Symphony)
  • theme: the ‘topic’, a melody, a phrase, a motive even a tone color can be the theme


  • monophony: one melody
  • homophony: accompanying parts have the same rhythm
  • polyphony: more melodies are played simultaneously
    • imitative polyphony (e.g. ‘row, row, row your boat’)

Tonality and Modality

tone + mode = key


  • general form: the organization of elements in a musical work
  • a form: standardized formal patterns
  • outer form and inner form


symphonies, sonatas, madrigals, and operas, etc..